Commando Comics Wiki

Back Cover Summary[]

In the late 1700s, Ensign Francis Allingham, of the Wessex Dragoons, and his friend, junior naval Lieutenant John Harker, joined forces to help rescue French aristocrats from the "Reign of Terror" - a dark period in history when the rulers of the new republic executed anyone who stood against them.

Despite the risks, Francis' special cavalry unit undertook many rescue missions on the other side of the Channel. While dodging the French, though, he was unaware that a danger lurked closer to home. His senior Sergeant, Silas Carrick, was not to be trusted...


Part 8 of the "Eagles of Battle" series.

Eagles of Battle Saga
Eagles in Battle/The Eagles Return/Saxon Eagles/"Eagles, Arise!"/Knight Of The Eagles/The Eagles Strike/Eagles of New Eden/The Eagles Ride/Voyage Of The Eagles/Eagles Of The Crimea/Eagles Over Flanders/Eagles of Dunkirk/Legacy of the Eagles